Global perspective through the lens of regional issues

Armenian Defense Ministry a Frequent Visitor to EU

17 June 2024

Head of Armenian Defense Ministry took a flight to France. The Ministry did not disclose the purpose of his visit. This is the third visit to Europe that Papikyan made of late.

How is Armenia Developing Military Cooperation with the EU?

Igor Korotchenko, political analyst and General Director of the Caspian Institute of Strategic Studies (Russia), told the Vestnik Kavkaza correspondent about the ongoing expansion of Yerevan’s military and military-technical interaction with the West, in particular with Paris.

«On April 5, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan met with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. They reached agreements concerning Western military and military-technical assistance to Yerevan, which is conditioned on winding down its partner relations with Russia, «freezing» and ultimate termination of its CSTO membership. In this respect France is an important partner for Armenia. Pashinyan has long been forging personal relationship with President Emmanuel Macron, who shares a pro-Armenian and anti-Azerbaijani sentiment with the other key personalities in the French political power system. Yerevan views Paris as a natural ally in restraining the situation in South Caucasus», Igor Korotchenko said in his introductory statement.

«Papikyan’s visit, as well as the visit of the French Minister of Armed Forces Lecornu to Yerevan, constitutes a new important step in bilateral rapprochement and practical implementation of the set of military and military-technical agreements. France is active in facilitating the upgrading of the Armenian army and its transition to NATO standards. The French are taking care of Armenia’s air defense as a priority. The initial supply package will include radars and short range surface-to-air missile systems. In a later phase, France will deliver compatible medium and long range systems, all of them to be part of the overall configuration of the battle management system», Korotchenko specified.

In this way, South Caucasus will end up under a NATO air defense segment, its mission extending beyond air defense to neighboring countries’ airspace control. And that is a direct security threat for them.

Apart from the European states, Armenia will enhance military cooperation with the USA. «As far as the Americans are concerned, plans have been released to increase the US Defense Attaché office staff in Yerevan. US military advisers have arrived to provide consultations to the military leaders and the General Staff of Armenia on transition to Western planning standards. The purpose is to achieve full interoperability between the armies of Armenia and NATO member countries», the political analyst explained.

«All those processes will be synchronized with Yerevan’s unfriendly moves vis-à-vis Russia. Towards the end of the year the Armenian government may bring about the issue of winding down Russia’s military presence and request a staged re-formatting of the EU observatory mission status from military police to military, which implies the deployment of a foreign contingent. In addition, French servicemen may start to arrive in Armenia under the pretext of providing military technical assistance in the process of deployment of French air defense systems», Igor Korotchenko envisages.

«One of Papikyan’s objectives in Paris negotiations is to have a specific plan designed for the development of French military presence on the Armenian territory: when, where and for what alleged reason the process will be pushed forward initially. Armenia is heading towards disruption of allied relations with Russia, and that process appears to be irreversible. The only factor that has been constraining Yerevan so far is its economic ties within EAEU. Considering the agreements that have been signed to obstruct export and import transactions executed by Russian partners from Armenia’s territory, US sanctions controls should be expected within the next few months», Igor Korotchenko concluded.

Armenian Defense Ministry a Frequent Visitor to EU. Vestnik Kavkaza, 17.06.2024.

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Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies

Armenian Defense Ministry a Frequent Visitor to EU

17 June 2024

Head of Armenian Defense Ministry took a flight to France. The Ministry did not disclose the purpose of his visit. This is the third visit to Europe that Papikyan made of late.

How is Armenia Developing Military Cooperation with the EU?

Igor Korotchenko, political analyst and General Director of the Caspian Institute of Strategic Studies (Russia), told the Vestnik Kavkaza correspondent about the ongoing expansion of Yerevan’s military and military-technical interaction with the West, in particular with Paris.

«On April 5, Prime Minister of Armenia Nikol Pashinyan met with President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken. They reached agreements concerning Western military and military-technical assistance to Yerevan, which is conditioned on winding down its partner relations with Russia, «freezing» and ultimate termination of its CSTO membership. In this respect France is an important partner for Armenia. Pashinyan has long been forging personal relationship with President Emmanuel Macron, who shares a pro-Armenian and anti-Azerbaijani sentiment with the other key personalities in the French political power system. Yerevan views Paris as a natural ally in restraining the situation in South Caucasus», Igor Korotchenko said in his introductory statement.

«Papikyan’s visit, as well as the visit of the French Minister of Armed Forces Lecornu to Yerevan, constitutes a new important step in bilateral rapprochement and practical implementation of the set of military and military-technical agreements. France is active in facilitating the upgrading of the Armenian army and its transition to NATO standards. The French are taking care of Armenia’s air defense as a priority. The initial supply package will include radars and short range surface-to-air missile systems. In a later phase, France will deliver compatible medium and long range systems, all of them to be part of the overall configuration of the battle management system», Korotchenko specified.

In this way, South Caucasus will end up under a NATO air defense segment, its mission extending beyond air defense to neighboring countries’ airspace control. And that is a direct security threat for them.

Apart from the European states, Armenia will enhance military cooperation with the USA. «As far as the Americans are concerned, plans have been released to increase the US Defense Attaché office staff in Yerevan. US military advisers have arrived to provide consultations to the military leaders and the General Staff of Armenia on transition to Western planning standards. The purpose is to achieve full interoperability between the armies of Armenia and NATO member countries», the political analyst explained.

«All those processes will be synchronized with Yerevan’s unfriendly moves vis-à-vis Russia. Towards the end of the year the Armenian government may bring about the issue of winding down Russia’s military presence and request a staged re-formatting of the EU observatory mission status from military police to military, which implies the deployment of a foreign contingent. In addition, French servicemen may start to arrive in Armenia under the pretext of providing military technical assistance in the process of deployment of French air defense systems», Igor Korotchenko envisages.

«One of Papikyan’s objectives in Paris negotiations is to have a specific plan designed for the development of French military presence on the Armenian territory: when, where and for what alleged reason the process will be pushed forward initially. Armenia is heading towards disruption of allied relations with Russia, and that process appears to be irreversible. The only factor that has been constraining Yerevan so far is its economic ties within EAEU. Considering the agreements that have been signed to obstruct export and import transactions executed by Russian partners from Armenia’s territory, US sanctions controls should be expected within the next few months», Igor Korotchenko concluded.

Armenian Defense Ministry a Frequent Visitor to EU. Vestnik Kavkaza, 17.06.2024.