![Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies](/img/logo-footer-eng.png)
Astrakhan State University – the think-tank and the leading international university in the South of Russia
Implementing innovative projects and high-potential developments, Astrakhan State University sets the high standard and becomes an example of the dynamically growing educational establishment of the Caspian macro-region.
In the interests of sustainable development
The Russian part of the Caspian Region is important as the region for establishing the zone of sustainable social and economic development and forming a unified economic, political, cultural and educational environment.
Similar platforms are already forming in the countries of the Caspian macro-region. Astrakhan Region is not hanging behind: right now, projects and events are being prepared and implemented to create the Russian platform for the Caspian Technological Valley.
In the current economic environment, the value of universities and higher education is growing. The University not only allows for just getting educated, but is performing studies, their validation, training human resources and organizing the inflow of the younger generation into the region.
The cooperation with the universities is very important for the Region, because educational centers not only supply new specialists, but offer innovative solutions in various spheres.
Capabilities and possibilities
During its 90-year history, Astrakhan State University went through successes and hardships, but they only strengthened the University’s positions in higher education. Today, ASU named after V.N. Tatishchev is one of the most dynamically developing innovative universities of Russia. The University combines academic traditions and modern technologies in its work. The University contributes into the regional economy: it is a school for specialists in priority spheres, a laboratory for process solutions for businesses and for various experiments and analytical work. The University students may definitely say that they know the way to absolutely guaranteed success.
ASU has bilateral cooperation agreements with universities from 29 countries. Joint degree agreements pertaining to combined masters’ programs are among them. Starting from 2009, Astrakhan State University is a member of Shanghai Cooperation Organization. The University also belongs to the Association of Caspian regional universities, the Black Sea Universities Network (BSUN); it is a partner of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), Global Association of Russian Universities Alumni, International Conference of Universities for Translation and Interpretation (CIUTI), CDIO Global Initiative, International Labor Organization (ILO). The UNESCO Department «Learning Society and Socially Sustainable Development» is facilitating this process; it was established in 2004 and is focused at forming the regional system of UNESCO education, of implementing the UNESCO ideas and mission.
In order to make the process of students exchange easier, the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) was implemented in the educational process.
We need to say, that the ASU Caspian school of translation and interpretation is one of three Russian schools of translation, with which European partners cooperate. Interacting with the World Intellectual Property Organization, the participants of the Masters’ Program of the ASU Caspian school of translation and interpretation contribute to the term base WIPO Ðearl. 15 languages are taught in ASU, 9 of them belong to the Oriental languages. The high level of professionalism of its graduates is confirmed by the Linguistic Support Department of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
We are very proud of the fact that in 2021, after undergoing thorough screening of all progressive universities of the country, Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev became the winner of the Strategic Academic Leadership Program «Priority 2030». Our University was the only one of the Caspian regional universities selected within the basis competition. Thanks to participation in this Program ASU received state financial support for improving its technical equipment, etc. Research centers and labs received new hi-tec equipment allowing for bringing the research, engineering and educational tracks in physiology, ecology, ichthyology, agribusiness, and marine robotics to a whole new level.
As of today, the main task of ASU is transforming the university into an integration point for all the educational, scientific and cultural projects in the Russian part of the Caspian Region.
We understand that the Caspian macro-region is the cross-roads for the interests of several block of countries. This is associated with a combination of its geographical features: big reserves of mineral resources, location at the border of Big Middle East, the South Caucasus, Central Asia and Southern Russia, connecting the basins of the Caspian Sea and the Azov Sea along the Volga – Don hydro systems. Dissemination of Russian education in the Caspian countries, increasing the role of the Caspian studies in these countries, strengthening the positions of Russian researchers in the international scientific community will allow for overcoming the challenges of the Caspian macro-region. International projects associated with social, economic and environmental problems of the region will also contribute to that.
Priority areas of research
In connection with that, ASU identified the priority areas for our researchers to obtain meaningful results in the scientific and engineering spheres. They include:
- robotics, process simulation;
- information technology, data management;
- biotechnology, selection;
- ecology and health protection know-how;
- integrated safety and security, frontier studies.
These spheres and the key parameters of the Caspian macro-region were reflected in the concept of the integrated strategic project «Techno-Caspian». The Project was developed within the University Development Program «Priority 2030». It includes four sub-projects focused on the regional economy needs; many research projects and educational programs supplementing and reinforcing the transformation in the university.
Eventually, implementation of the «Techno-Caspian» Project will allow for the economic power build-up, for increasing Russian influence over the Caspian Region and for a significant contribution into facilitating the economic development. Of course, it will also contribute to transforming ASU into a business-type research university.
The on-going University transformation processes are great for engaging younger generation into project-related activities, for developing the engineering entrepreneurship in Astrakhan Region. Students can implement their ideas and innovative solutions thanks to the following initiatives: «It’s Your Move», «University-Based Engineering Entrepreneurship Platform», «Boiling Point»; University-based start-up studio «2F» and accelerated program for supporting project teams and students’ initiatives.
Every year, over 2,500 graduates come out of Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev, they are highly skilled specialists in line with the needs of regional economy.
In October 2021, the Presidential Platform «Russia – the Land of Opportunities» initiated opening the Center of Managerial Competencies Development and Career Planning on the basis of ASU. This Center became the hub for interaction between students, employers and regional authorities.
The University graduates have prominent positions in various organizations acting in economic, political, scientific and other spheres. Let us note that the share of employed graduates makes 93%.
Every year the University expands its portfolio of educational services by way of introducing adult learning curricula, post-graduate education and professional upgrading opportunities.
ASU is the regional leader in continuing education: 500 courses focused on practices, over 300 professional upgrading and retraining courses, over 5,500 participants annually. Understanding the need for improving knowledge and skills of the employees of our partners, their need for retraining, the University develops disciplinary courses based on the needs and requests of the stakeholders. The University develops and provides retraining for civil servants based on the assignments of Astrakhan regional government authorities on an annual basis.
Every year the region holds forums with participation of representatives of research and expert community, businesses and public officials focused on presentation of the best innovative developments for practical application in the industrial sphere, in governance and in social sphere. ASU is an active participant of such forums – not just as an invitee, but as an organizer as well. Such important scientific events as the International Caspian Technological Forum, the International Caspian Scientific Forum «The Caspian Region: Sustainable Development Routes», Caspian Startups’ Festival, «Buoyant University» and others are sponsored by the Astrakhan Regional Government, the RF Ministry of Science and with participation of the Caspian macro-region countries.
Such platforms facilitate the share of technologies in various sectors of economy, the set-up of new partnerships, the energizing of cross-regional and international business projects and the innovative development of the Caspian macro-region.
Interaction with government and local self-government authorities of Astrakhan Region
The University has built a system of interacting with government and local self-government authorities of Astrakhan Region. ASU is engaged in assessing the strategic documents being developed by regional and municipal authorities, in research and surveys on the issues of rendering services to the population and studying the public opinion about new initiatives and projects, in regional and municipal events.
It is important to highlight that in the current environment the public policy of the Russian Federation is focused at facilitating the economic growth, scientific, technical and innovative development of the region to assure the growth of importance of Astrakhan Region as a high-potential center of economic growth. That is why it is extremely important for the region, that all spheres of activities and strategic projects of the University are not only in line with the regional development strategy, but also allow for resolving a big number of problems pertaining to ecology, regional agribusiness development, integrated security and safety’; they are also oriented towards high-potential investment projects in transportation and shipbuilding.
Within the «Priority 2030» Program the University initiated and became the driver for innovative developments and technologies based on the effective regional requests. The results of ASU studies were implemented in federal and regional companies – Gazprom Regional Distribution Company, Russian Railways, Robot craft, LLC Geksa, Aquatrade, Halyk Balyk, GEOExpress, Research Institute for the Caspian Sea problems, Letea.
Astrakhan State University named after V.N. Tatishchev is not only a multi-profile educational complex of the region, but also a leading innovative university in the South of Russia with modern research and education infrastructure developed with account of geographical and geopolitical position of Astrakhan Region.