
Outcomes of the work of the Collective Security Treaty Organization in 2024

In 2024, the executive and working bodies of the Organization systematically worked to implement the priorities of Kazakhstan’s chairmanship and achieve the tasks set in November last year at the session of the Collective Security Council (CSTO CSC) in Minsk. Steps were taken on a continuous basis to harmonize the approaches used by the Organization’s member states to address key military and political issues and to increase the readiness of the CSTO forces and facilities to counter challenges and threats in the collective security regions. Amid an increasingly complicated international situation, the Organization continues to fulfill all of its functions.
The formation and establishment of a polycentric world order is accompanied not only by the mainstreaming of the civilizational approach in practical international politics, but also by the rapid transformation of the military and political situation in Eurasia. We consider the growing consolidation of the Global South to be a positive factor. An increasingly important role in regional processes is now being played by the so-called middle powers, which are building up their international authority through mediation.
In the current environment, the CSTO, with its demonstrably great potential for adaptability, remains an important contributor to maintaining stability in Eurasia and forming a security space. The Organization continues to build up its efficient response toolkit and successfully resolve, on a collective basis, the increasingly hybrid emerging challenges and threats to the security of our member states.
The determination to create a system of global and regional security corresponding to the new conditions also gives new urgency to the objective of finding political and diplomatic tools for the peaceful settlement of conflicts.
Political cooperation
The Organization’s multi-level mechanism for coordinating foreign policy activities has made it possible to determine and agree upon the focus areas for strengthening Eurasian security based on the analysis and forecasting of the situation, as well as coordination and cooperation. Emphasis was placed on preventive measures against potential regional conflicts in order to prevent the spread of negative phenomena in the CSTO’s area of responsibility. The substantive discussion of these topics has facilitated the harmonization of positions on a wide range of current international issues and the implementation of a generally coherent approach on the world stage based on a collective assessment of modern challenges and threats.
We continued the practice of communicating agreed positions on the topics having top priority for the Organization to international political and public circles in the form of joint statements. The documents adopted during the intersessional period and signed by foreign ministers reflect our positions on the situation in the Middle East and North Africa, the use of outer space for peaceful purposes and cooperation in the field of international information security.
In 2024, cooperation with leading international organizations in the field of peace and security was developing on a consistent basis.
Traditionally, the CSTO attaches great importance to cooperation with the United Nations, primarily in matters of peacekeeping, as well as the fight against terrorism and drug trafficking. The Organization’s approaches to engaging with the UN were updated based on the results of the debates in the UN Security Council on the issue of cooperation between the UN and regional organizations, which took place on July 19 this year with the participation of senior officials of the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO. On November 18 this year, the UN General Assembly adopted at its 79th session a resolution on cooperation between the United Nations and the Collective Security Treaty Organization.
The Secretariat links the prospects of achieving stability in Eurasia with the development of a trilateral format featuring the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO based on the decision adopted by the CSC in 2022 regarding the development of cooperation between the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO. This collaboration is coordinated during regular annual meetings at the level of the Secretaries General of the three organizations. The results of these meetings indicate great potential for practical cooperation. We believe that the joining of efforts to counter transnational challenges and threats coupled with the harmonization of approaches used by the three largest Eurasian integration groupings to solve the biggest international problems will contribute to the formation of a new Eurasian architecture of equal and indivisible security, as well as economic and humanitarian cooperation.
The CSTO Secretariat highly appreciated the Second Minsk International Conference on Eurasian Security organized by Belarus in October this year. The extensive and substantive discussions held at the Conference made an important contribution to improving Eurasia’s security system.
Military development
The CSTO is consistently working to strengthen the military potential of the Organization. An important part of this work is the joint operational and combat training of the components of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces).
In 2024, a strategic command and staff training session of the CSTO Joint Staff, the Secretariat and concerned ministries and agencies of the member states was held at the CSTO Crisis Response Center and the command posts of national bodies authorized to interact therewith.
The following events were held in the territory of the Russian Federation:
- a special exercise with the management bodies and formations of the special-purpose forces of the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces (CRRF) «Cobalt-2024».
The following events were held in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
- a special exercise with special units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations allocated to the formations of the special-purpose forces of the CSTO CRRF «Skala-2024»;
- a command and staff exercise with the CSTO Peacekeeping Forces «Indestructible Brotherhood-2024».
The following events were held in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- a command and staff exercise with the CSTO CRRF «Interaction-2024»;
- a special exercise with reconnaissance forces and equipment «Poisk-2024»;
- a special exercise with the forces and means of logistic support of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) «Echelon-2024».
The following events were held in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan:
- a joint exercise with units of the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region of collective security (CRDF CAR) «Rubezh-2024» and an operational assembly with the command of the CRDF CAR.
In 2024, efforts have been actively carried out under the Plan for equipping the CSTO Collective Rapid Reaction Forces with modern weapons and military & special equipment.
Countering challenges and threats
With the purpose of combating terrorism and extremism, drug trafficking, illegal immigration and crimes in the field of information technology, the CSTO has put in place a legal framework to coordinate collective actions of the Organization’s member states.
In order to find effective solutions that meet modern requirements to providing stability and security in the CSTO’s area of responsibility, practical measures are being implemented in the format of special permanent operations under the code names «Mercenary», «Channel», «Illegal» and «PROXY».
Within the framework of implementing a set of anti-terrorist crime prevention measures at the national level aimed at suppressing the activities of international terrorist and extremist organizations, including by neutralizing their resource base, the CSTO is conducting an anti-terrorist operation under the code name «Mercenary». To this date, six special operations have been conducted at an increasing pace.
In the fight against drug trafficking, cooperation is expanding with specialized units of international organizations, such as the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, the International Narcotics Control Board, the United Nations Commission on Narcotic Drugs, the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, the Eurasian Group on Combating Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, the Central Asian Regional Information and Coordination Centre and specialized structures of the CIS.
The international professional anti-drug community led by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime has recognized the regional anti-drug operation of the CSTO «Channel» as a highly effective interstate project. Two CSTO operations, «Channel – Far Eastern Raid» and «Channel – Vanguard», were carried out in 2024, with international coordination headquarters established in Vladivostok and Dushanbe, respectively. Both operations were notable for the large-scale involvement of financial intelligence units of the CSTO member states in anti-drug activities.
Significant attention was being paid to developing measures aimed at reducing demand for drugs. The Coordination Meeting of Chief Narcologists of the CSTO Member States, which involves representatives of education ministries and internal affairs agencies responsible for preventing non-medical drug use and trafficking, reached a new level in its activities.
Measures against illegal immigration are implemented within the framework of «Illegal», the annual regional operation of the CSTO member states aimed at countering illegal immigration.
The protection of the information space and information resources in the Organization’s area of responsibility is provided through the integrated interstate permanent operation of CSTO member states «PROXY», which is aimed at combating crimes in the field of information technology.
With the purpose of developing uniform rules of conduct in the epidemiological space of the CSTO, the Coordination Council of authorized bodies of the CSTO member states on biological security issues has been operating effectively since 2021.
Taking into account the existing range of challenges and threats to the security of our member states, particular attention in 2024 was paid to the Central Asian region. Among other things, this year saw the Secretariat complete the development of the CSTO Special Interstate Policy for strengthening sections of the Tajik-Afghan Border. A decision to that effect was made by the Collective Security Council on November 28, 2024.
Information and analytical work
Given the scale and nature of challenges to collective security, the CSTO Secretariat pays particular attention to improving the information and analytical support extended to the Organization with the purpose of, among other things, raising awareness of CSTO activities.
This year, together with Russia’s Center for Socially Conservative Policy, we prepared a conceptual report titled «Multipolar World: Factors of Transformation. Challenges and Opportunities», which was presented at various influential expert platforms.
Monitoring materials are prepared on an ongoing basis, which include analysis of publications by leading media and analytical centers of the CSTO member states, as well as the most relevant content from social networks. These materials are regularly provided to government bodies of the CSTO member states and partners among international organizations, which facilitates the formation of a common information agenda and the coordination of our states’ approaches to solving current issues.
For instance, a project was launched this year in connection with the publication of interviews with representatives of ministries and departments, as well as leading experts of our countries. The practice of holding roundtables timed to coincide with press days in the CSTO member states has also been introduced.
In addition, a series of roundtables on regional security issues was held in 2024. A roundtable titled «Central Asia: contours of the future» took place in Almaty. On the sidelines of the Second Minsk International Conference on Eurasian Security, a roundtable was held with the support of our Belarusian colleagues under the title «Analytical support for CSTO activities to ensure regional security».
The Secretariat also pays attention to youth engagement in our countries. A roundtable on Eurasian partnership was organized for aspiring political scientists and diplomats. It was attended by graduates of Central Asian universities who take part in the work of the International School of Diplomacy. An educational seminar (coaching session), titled «Current issues of Eurasian security», was held for the School of Young Eurasian Analysts.
Consolidation of efforts for developing the information and analytical area of the Secretariat’s work is achieved via our periodical «Allies. CSTO». The publication contributes to the establishment of the Organization’s public analytical platform.
Detailed outcomes of the work for the reporting period can be found in the annual report of the CSTO Secretary General, which was sent to the member states of the Organization.
Key outcomes of the Collective Security Council session
The Secretariat appreciated the results of the session of the Collective Security Council that took place in Astana on November 28. In a key result of the session, heads of the member states stated their commitment to the principles and goals of the Organization and reaffirmed their intention to do all it takes to support collective efforts for regional security. A number of important documents were adopted in specific areas of the CSTO’s activities with the aim of improving their efficiency and the general goal of providing security in the Organization’s area of responsibility.
Key results of the discussions include:
- firstly, the Declaration of the CSTO Collective Security Council adopted by the heads of state;
- secondly, the decision of the CSTO Collective Security Council «On the Special Interstate Policy of the Collective Security Treaty Organization for strengthening sections of the Tajik-Afghan Border»;
- thirdly, the decision of the Collective Security Council «On further strengthening of allied relations within the Collective Security Treaty Organization»;
- fourthly, the Statement of the Collective Security Council in connection with the 80th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 and the decision «On the Plan of Measures to Commemorate the 80th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945».
Finally, documents concerning the equipping of components of the CSTO Troops (Collective Forces) with modern and promising models of armaments and military equipment were considered and signed.
Heads of the member states also discussed in detail the military and political situation in the CSTO’s area of responsibility and possibilities of how it might develop. It was stated that geopolitical transformations and changes taking place in the modern system of international security exercise a direct influence on processes in the CSTO’s area of responsibility. Exacerbating contradictions trigger the emergence of new points of tension. The Organization’s member states are particularly concerned about challenges and threats that are hybrid in nature to a substantial extent. It can be assumed that the decisions taken and the results of the discussion are of great importance to achieving regional security in Eurasia.
During the CSC session, priority areas of work for the chairmanship of the Kyrgyz Republic in the Collective Security Treaty Organization were unveiled. In the immediate future, the CSTO Secretariat will begin implementing the decisions made at the session and working out the agreements reached.
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Therefore, taking into account the large number of internal and external threats to the security of the CSTO member states, as well as the national governments’ resolve to undertake joint efforts to neutralize them, it can be argued that the Organization has great potential for further development. Moreover, our alliance demonstrates the ability to adapt in view of changes in the international situation, global geopolitical processes and the hybrid nature of modern conflicts.