Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies

Social meeting on invitation of the RF Minister of Foreign Affairs

photo: CISS
28 декабря 2023

On the invitation of Sergey Lavrov, the RF Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies, took part in the social meeting dedicated to the forthcoming New Year’s eve in the Reception House of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the event Sergey Lavrov and Igor Korotchenko had an «on-the-go» discussion about the current international trends focusing on the situation in the Southern Caucasus.

They emphasized the need to expand the collaboration between experts and analysts of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leading Russian think tanks.

Global perspective through the lens of regional issues

Social meeting on invitation of the RF Minister of Foreign Affairs

photo: CISS
28 December 2023

On the invitation of Sergey Lavrov, the RF Minister of Foreign Affairs, Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies, took part in the social meeting dedicated to the forthcoming New Year’s eve in the Reception House of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

During the event Sergey Lavrov and Igor Korotchenko had an «on-the-go» discussion about the current international trends focusing on the situation in the Southern Caucasus.

They emphasized the need to expand the collaboration between experts and analysts of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the leading Russian think tanks.

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