Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies

Meeting in the Diplomatic Academy with the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs

photo: CISS
3 апреля 2024

Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (CISS) had a business meeting with Oleg Karpovich, the Head of the Strategic Communications and  Public Administration Department of the Diplomatic Academy with the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The parties discussed the main military and political trends in the key regions of the world, as well as practical tasks for the universities and expert community of Russia in the environment of a modern hybrid war.

The participants shared their opinions on various aspects of practical interaction between Russian think tanks and similar groups in the FSU zone and in Global South in general.

Global perspective through the lens of regional issues

Meeting in the Diplomatic Academy with the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs

photo: CISS
3 April 2024

Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (CISS) had a business meeting with Oleg Karpovich, the Head of the Strategic Communications and  Public Administration Department of the Diplomatic Academy with the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The parties discussed the main military and political trends in the key regions of the world, as well as practical tasks for the universities and expert community of Russia in the environment of a modern hybrid war.

The participants shared their opinions on various aspects of practical interaction between Russian think tanks and similar groups in the FSU zone and in Global South in general.

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