Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies

International conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to the equitable peace and sustainable development»

photo: CISS
23 íîÿáðÿ 2023

During the international conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to equitable peace and sustainable development» in Moscow Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (CISS), presented his report «Situation in Afghanistan: security issues for Russia and the Central Asian countries», where he referred to expert opinions on the existing and potential risks and threats associated with the development of the situation in Afghanistan and around it.

I. Korotchenko focused the conference participants’ attention on the destructive activities of the CIA and MI-6 in Afghanistan, as they restored their positions in a number of provinces there, and on the active training of guerillas from a number of terrorist organizations, who potentially may be relocated from Afghanistan to the territory of the Central Asian countries with the purpose of massive disruption and attempts to overthrow lawful governments.

The head of CISS called for enhancing the expert and analytical cooperation between the leading think tanks of Russia and the Central Asian countries to monitor the situation in the region and to share forecasts and estimates. Igor Korotchenko also proposed to support the recent initiative of Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan, about organizing the conference for security and cooperation in Central Asian.

The international conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to equitable peace and sustainable development» engaged the heads of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the RAS Institute of China and Modern Asia, the diplomatic corps representatives, the leaders of political parties of Afghanistan, analysts from the relevant Russian organizations and agencies.

Global perspective through the lens of regional issues

International conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to the equitable peace and sustainable development»

photo: CISS
23 November 2023

During the international conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to equitable peace and sustainable development» in Moscow Igor Korotchenko, the General Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (CISS), presented his report «Situation in Afghanistan: security issues for Russia and the Central Asian countries», where he referred to expert opinions on the existing and potential risks and threats associated with the development of the situation in Afghanistan and around it.

I. Korotchenko focused the conference participants’ attention on the destructive activities of the CIA and MI-6 in Afghanistan, as they restored their positions in a number of provinces there, and on the active training of guerillas from a number of terrorist organizations, who potentially may be relocated from Afghanistan to the territory of the Central Asian countries with the purpose of massive disruption and attempts to overthrow lawful governments.

The head of CISS called for enhancing the expert and analytical cooperation between the leading think tanks of Russia and the Central Asian countries to monitor the situation in the region and to share forecasts and estimates. Igor Korotchenko also proposed to support the recent initiative of Serdar Berdimuhamedov, the President of Turkmenistan, about organizing the conference for security and cooperation in Central Asian.

The international conference «Afghanistan – between past and future: on the way to equitable peace and sustainable development» engaged the heads of the Institute for Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the RAS Institute of China and Modern Asia, the diplomatic corps representatives, the leaders of political parties of Afghanistan, analysts from the relevant Russian organizations and agencies.

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