Global perspective through the lens of regional issues

Belarusian and Caspian Institutes for Strategic Studies sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

27 June 2023

Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR) and the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, BelTA said.

As noted by BISR director Oleg Makarov, the signed document involves the exchange of expert opinions on relevant issues, joint participation in events and other areas of cooperation. «Our friendship has been tested for years. We have been interacting, discussing, and supporting each other on media platforms for several years. For our part, we are ready to share our experience. We are very interested in the work of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies – we have seen few think tanks that would have such a clearly regional focus», he said.

Oleg Makarov emphasized the Memorandum will not be a formal document but will become a roadmap for further cooperation.

Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies Igor Korotchenko called the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research the leading think tank in Belarus and one of the authoritative international analytical institutions. According to him, the signing of the Memorandum opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the field of expert diplomacy. The task of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies is to provide information and analytical support for Russia's pivot to the East. The change in the geopolitical configuration in Europe and the world has led to sanctions decisions by the West and the need to reorient to new transport and logistics corridors, one of which is the North-South corridor.

«Our attention to the countries of this region: Central Asia, China, Turkey, Iran is an opportunity to provide favorable conditions for the development of the Russian economy. In the field of expert cooperation with BISR, we plan to exchange experience, including to assist Belarusian high-tech exports in entering new markets, since we see an ever-increasing transport and economic blockade by the EU countries. Combining our efforts, assistance, a trusting format of relations, the exchange of analytics and accurate assessments will help our countries, governments and presidents to successfully implement policies aimed at defending national interests», Igor Korotchenko said.

The signing of the Memorandum means reaching a new level of relations and mutual obligations to support each other.

Belarusian and Caspian Institutes for Strategic Studies sign a Memorandum of Cooperation, BISR, 27.06.2023.

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Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies

Belarusian and Caspian Institutes for Strategic Studies sign a Memorandum of Cooperation

27 June 2023

Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research (BISR) and the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies signed a Memorandum of Cooperation, BelTA said.

As noted by BISR director Oleg Makarov, the signed document involves the exchange of expert opinions on relevant issues, joint participation in events and other areas of cooperation. «Our friendship has been tested for years. We have been interacting, discussing, and supporting each other on media platforms for several years. For our part, we are ready to share our experience. We are very interested in the work of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies – we have seen few think tanks that would have such a clearly regional focus», he said.

Oleg Makarov emphasized the Memorandum will not be a formal document but will become a roadmap for further cooperation.

Director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies Igor Korotchenko called the Belarusian Institute of Strategic Research the leading think tank in Belarus and one of the authoritative international analytical institutions. According to him, the signing of the Memorandum opens up new opportunities for cooperation in the field of expert diplomacy. The task of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies is to provide information and analytical support for Russia's pivot to the East. The change in the geopolitical configuration in Europe and the world has led to sanctions decisions by the West and the need to reorient to new transport and logistics corridors, one of which is the North-South corridor.

«Our attention to the countries of this region: Central Asia, China, Turkey, Iran is an opportunity to provide favorable conditions for the development of the Russian economy. In the field of expert cooperation with BISR, we plan to exchange experience, including to assist Belarusian high-tech exports in entering new markets, since we see an ever-increasing transport and economic blockade by the EU countries. Combining our efforts, assistance, a trusting format of relations, the exchange of analytics and accurate assessments will help our countries, governments and presidents to successfully implement policies aimed at defending national interests», Igor Korotchenko said.

The signing of the Memorandum means reaching a new level of relations and mutual obligations to support each other.

Belarusian and Caspian Institutes for Strategic Studies sign a Memorandum of Cooperation, BISR, 27.06.2023.